চিফ একাউন্টস এন্ড ফিন্যান্স অফিসার এর কার্যালয়

যুব ও ক্রীড়া মন্ত্রণালয়

Mr. Abul Kalam Azad
Controller General of Accounts (CGA)
From: 19.02.2024 
Mr Abul Kalam Azad, currently working as the Controller General of Bangladesh (CGA), joined the Bangladesh Civil Service in 1991 through 10th BCS examination. Prior to that Mr. Azad worked as Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General (Senior); Director General (FIMA); DG, Commercial Audit Directorate; DG, Local Government and Rural Development Audit Directorate; DG, Local and Revenue Audit and DG, Mission Audit Directorate respectively. He also successfully served as Finance Officer in United Nations (UN) Mission in Kosovo. He is a passionate advocate of reform of the Audit and Accounts Department and one of the key contributors to restructuring the audit directorates. 
Education: Mr. Azad holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Economics from the University of Yamaguchi, Japan with brilliant results. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in commerce with Honors and a Master of Commerce in Management from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Professional Experience: Mr. Azad attended many professional training courses at home and abroad specializing in public financial management including Financial and Performance Audit, Government Accountability Office (GAO), USA; Performance Audit, OCAG of Northern Ireland, UK; Report Writing, Graduate School U.S. Manila, the Philippines. As a member of a technical cadre of audit and accounts, his vast professional experience in different fields of the department has earned him a good reputation as a resource person in many government and autonomous training organizations like Foreign Service Academy, FIMA, BCS Admin Academy, BIAM, NAEM and BIRD, Cumilla.

Home District: Chandpur 

হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক

জনাব এস এম রেজভী
হিসাব মহানিয়ন্ত্রক (সিজিএ)

অফিস প্রধান

মোসাম্মৎ সালমা বেগম
চিফ একাউন্টস এন্ড ফিন্যান্স অফিসার