Mr. Abul Kalam Azad Controller General of Accounts (CGA) From: 19.02.2024 |
Education: Mr. Azad holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Economics from the University of Yamaguchi, Japan with brilliant results. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in commerce with Honors and a Master of Commerce in Management from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Professional Experience: Mr. Azad attended many professional training courses at home and abroad specializing in public financial management including Financial and Performance Audit, Government Accountability Office (GAO), USA; Performance Audit, OCAG of Northern Ireland, UK; Report Writing, Graduate School U.S. Manila, the Philippines. As a member of a technical cadre of audit and accounts, his vast professional experience in different fields of the department has earned him a good reputation as a resource person in many government and autonomous training organizations like Foreign Service Academy, FIMA, BCS Admin Academy, BIAM, NAEM and BIRD, Cumilla. Home District: Chandpur |